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The answer to
Climate change & Food problems

Discover how you can bring life back to your farm

Engreen Sol™

Engreen Sol will transform the biostimulants industry with its all inclusive trace minerals and microbe solution. The unprecedented liquid solution combining more than 70 nutrients and unique microbes has been greatly benefiting people and farmers by bringing in tremendous crop yield and quality increase. The impactful and cost effective solution has contributed to profit jump for farmers and will create a healthy and economical food consumption environment for billions of people. The distinct all natural solution will save the cultivation future by enhancing soil health and condition.

The Innovative Plant Biostimulant Engreen Sol™

EngreenSol is the 100% natural product that can be applied to every crops.
With our product pursuit more profit as well as use convenient.

All in one

All natural


High versatiliy ensures use on different types of soils for a variety of crops

100% chemical free, side-effect-free

accelerates crop growth for maximum profit

Regreen BioScience develops breakthrough agricultural biotechnology solutions,which can be easily applied on most crops to increase the qualityand the yield of crops significantly, enhance disease resistance,and improve soil health condition. With our revolutionary natural product, the concept of Sustainable Agriculture is now truly achievable.

New Era of Modern Agriculture
Regreen Bioscience

Learn more about how Regreen Bioscience helped hundreds of farms grow better produce.
Regreen Bioscience’s innovative plant stimulant is the result of over 20 years of research and development.

What type of cultivation do you have?

Check out over 182 crops and produce that have been proven to work with Regreen.
Regreen helps establish a durable foundation and enhance plant maturity.

Engreen Sol™ Case Study

Meet the amazing effects of 'Engreen Sol™'!​

Special Curing program for
Goji-berry root disease at Qinghai China

'LUVPLANT' the home gardening brand is lunched to target domestic market.

Luvplant shares the same base material with Engreensol but processed to fit in to the home gardening use.
Luvplant adopted aesthetic brand identity and package design that please individual home gardeners.

Industry News

Contact Us

Contact us for more information of our product

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#204 DJU Innovation Park, 62 Daehak-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon, Korea 34520
55 Avenue Marceau, 75015, Paris, France
1865 Amberwood Manor, Ct. Vienna, VA, 22182

Copyright 2021 Regreen Bioscience Inc. All contents cannot be copied without permission.